Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Expresiones coloquiales colombianas para comida.

Hi, Everyone

In this post I would like to show you and teach you some special vocabulary used in Colombia. As a Spanish learner, it is important to learn the different stage of a language. When you learn a new language , you will learn first the general language , in this case, you learn a general Spanish  with words , expressions and grammar rule that are used in every Hispanic country, However, when you advance in your knowledge and most important, you start traveling to hispanic countries, soon you will notice  some differences that maybe your textbook never mentioned. I am not talking  about the accent. It is normal the accent changes in different countries. What I am refering here is  every hispanic country has their own colloquial terms, slangs and even  different meanings of a same word depends on the zone. 
Today we will learn some colloquial terms refering to "comida" food. The following video is a parody of a popular hispanic song called "la Maldita Primavera" (the damn spring) , odviously the parody´s name is "la Maldita Tragadera" . Do you know what "tragadera" means? have you ever heard that word before? 

Vocabulary: Now below I will explain you the meaning of the special Colombian expressions:

  • Galguería : Candies or those snacks that are  not really healthy. 
Mecato Natuchips Platano Maduro X 28 G X 12
  • Tragadera : this word has two meaning: A: being crazy in love and B. eating too much. In the video the singer uses it with the second meaning. 
  • Arrocito: diminutive of Arroz (rice) notice that there is a change in the spelling. You change Z for C. Diminutive ( using the small version of a word) is very common in Colombian Spanish. 
  •  Esa pega me la mando con huevo: I bet you are clueless about this long sentence but don´t panic, I will explain you. "Esa pega" refers to the rice left at the bottom of the pot. at the bottom of the pot rice turns crunchy. Eating "la pega" (crunchy rice) is a very tradition in Colombian Families. The second part of the sentence " me la mando con huevo" it is just saying she is going to eat the rice with egg. That is a very common food  among Colombian families, specially those ones with low- incomes.
La pega del arroz o 'cucayo': impossible rechazarlo! | Knorr CO
  • Tajadas: slices of green bananas.
Tajadas De Platano Verde (Plantain Chips) | Receta | Platano verde ...
  • Salchichón de mil : a very cheap sausage. 

I hope the song parody is clearer now and you have found the joke inside the song. Would you like to listen the original song? Click here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCbNOproRo4

Remember. Read newspapers, magazines in Spanish. Listen music or watch TV in Spanish . You will learn a more realistic Spanish. 

Image sources: 

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistake, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks. 

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon

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