Sunday, July 19, 2020

Combinaciones con el verbo SALIR

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Hi my dear readers, In todays post I would like to share some frequent combination that hispanic people use with the verb "Salir ". Learning vocabulary is as much important as talking or learning grammar. How are you goint to keep a conversation if you don´t have the words ? How are you going to practice the grammar if you don´t have the vocabulary to do it? But many time language students and teachers think that memorizing long list of isolated words is enough. Sorry to say that is not the case. To memorize sucessfully a new vocabulary 
you need it to learn it in context, make groups or like in this post, learn the different and more frequent combinations with that new word. 

Below you will find 5 common combination with the verb "salir" because this verb doesn´t only mean to leave

#spanishlesson #vocabulario #verbosalir #spanishisfun "spanish4foreigners.

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistake, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks.

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon

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