Friday, September 18, 2020

Te propongo- Subjuntivo presente


Did you know Colombian people celebrate "San Valentine Day " In September? But we call it different, it´s known as  " Día del amor y la amistad " ( Love and Friendship Day).

 For this reason, I brought today this post with this love salsa song called " Te propongo"

We celebrate love and practice   subjunctive at the same time ... Yes, Subjunctive!  a big headache for many Spanish learners. 

 Let´s leave behind the grammar rules for a moment and enjoy this beautiful salsa song (click on the title to watch the video)  

Te Propongo

Hector Rey


Palomino- SSClasespañol

Ay, ay, ay, cuanto te quiero
Te propongo que regreses
Sin preguntas, ni reproches*
No me importa si el amor fue tu equipaje
No me importa tu pasado, solo quiero tu presente

Te propongo simplemente que seas mi manantial
O mi pase de la suerte
Te propongo simplemente escaparnos para siempre a otro mundo diferente

Te propongo simplemente que seas mi terruño*
Mi buena suerte
Te propongo simplemente que seas mi estrella
Que guía mi camino
Te propongo simplemente que vivas conmigo
Que seas mi mujer para siempre

Ay, ay, ay ay ay cuanto te extraño
Ay, a-a-ay, lo reconozco me haces falta
Ay, ay, quisiera amarte hasta el cansancio
A-a-ay, ay, si tú no vienes, iré a buscarte
A-a-ay, ay, al fin del mundo, si es necesario para verte

Te propongo simplemente que vivas conmigo

Source:  Musixmatch

Beautiful lyrics and song, right? Now the learning part. 

My dear learners and readers notice that every line in black bold is the sentence with the subjunctive:

Te progongo que + subjunctive 

But there is one in blue that starts with the same phrase "Te propongo" but it´s not followed with subjunctive:

Te propongo + infinitive. 

Let´s take a close look below: 

With the same pattern we find other sentences with other verbs. The first part we express suggestions, advices, petitions, requests etc.  The second part is placed the idea in subjunctive. The two sentences united by the connector "que".

Look at the chart below and compare the two columns:

The second part uses the same introductory verbs but any of the sentences make any emphasis whom the advice, suggestion or request goes to. Basically, that is the idea. You want to address your request or suggestion to someone more specific? well, use subjunctive in the second part. if not, just uses a simple sentence with infinitive. 


That is what the singer does in song above. Every time when he wants to address his proposal to his lover. He uses subjunctive: " te propongo que vivas comingo" (I propose you to live with me ) but when the idea address both of them he just express it in one sentences " te propongo escaparnos juntos " ( I propose to run away together)  Makes sense for you? 

Last but not least, note all these verbs : proponer, recomendar, sugerir, pedir, prohibir, aconsejar,  they need indirect pronouns : me, te, le, nos, les.

What do you propose to your lover to do this love and friendship day? surprise me with some examples in the comment box. 

Until next time. 

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks.

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon

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