Friday, August 28, 2020

Colombianismos parte 2

Do you know what "sapo " means? If you look up in the dictionary probably the first meaning that you will find is " toad or frog" but this word or this animal has a totally different connotation in Spanish, specially the Spanish spoken in Colombia.  Even in Colombia "sapo" can be a verb "sapear". 

Below you will find the three most common uses.

This word become even more popular when some drug dealer decided to betray their partners to get some reduction in their sentences. You can see an example in the  2008  Colombia  TV series called "El Cartel de los Sapos". It is also a book writen by Andrés López López.

I hope you have enjoyed this short lesson.

What do you think of these meaning you learnt today? is it weird? funny?logical?Leave your comment

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks.

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Colombianismos Parte 1

 ¿ Would you like to sound more Colombian? There are many words and expression you won´t be able to learn in a Spanish class or with an app because this language has so many varieties like speakers. There are some expression you will be able to get familiar only if you talk with locals. 

That´s why in this post I have selected some basic vocabulary you maybe can hear from a Colombian person. If you like the Spanish spoken in Colombia, I invite you to practice and to start using this words. More than one will be surprised how you have advance.

Are you not sure about the pronunciation of these words? Don´t worry. Link below to listen the pronunciation:

#colombianismos #learningspanishincolombia #spanishvocabulary #spanishforbeginners #spanishlanguage. 

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks.

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon

Monday, August 10, 2020

Expresiones coloquiales con comida.

You have not gotten an advance level in a language until you start using some coloquial expressions. They are many and maybe not easy to master them but you can start memorizing the most commom. 
Food like music is very important in Colombian people life that might be a reason many colloquial expressions used in Colombia involve food . 
Below you will learn few of them. 

#expresionesenespañol #spanishslangs  #learnspanish #spanishblogs  #spanishlessons #spanishincolombia

NOTE: English is not my native language, please if you find any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct it. Thanks.

SSClasespañol by Sirle Sarabia is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0CC iconby iconnc icon